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- Who Controls America?
Who Controls America?
Let’s follow the money and find out. The answer will surprise you.
The Rothschilds control America.
No wait, isn’t it the Rockefellers?
Or was it the Waltons?
Jeff Bezos must have a seat at the big boy table.
Surely the Bushes and/or Clintons factor in there somewhere.
Is Elon Musk chairman or treasurer of the Illuminati?
What is Peter Thiel’s role?
Who really controls America?
The true answer, as it turns out, is fairly straightforward to figure out.
If we have any chance at stopping them and making a better world for the next generation, it’s extremely important to understand who, exactly, are the elite criminals who secretly control the nation, and by extension, much of the world.
So let’s chase the money and find out.
But before we do that, let’s rule out who isn’t in charge of the USA:
The government doesn’t control America
People need to stop blaming the big bad government for all their problems.
Sure, politicians are literally mentally ill sociopaths, but the government is just a pawn for the real powers that be.
Who do you think pays for their campaigns?
Who do you think chooses the electors who choose the President?
Who do you think pays for the lobbyists who get all the laws passed?
The average American still sadly thinks America is a democracy, despite the cold fact that it and no other nation in history has ever actually been a democracy. The founding fathers were terrified of aristocracy and democracy, so they set up a Rome-style republic where white men could get rich through extractive business.
As the much-maligned Chris Hedges once said:
“In America, you cannot vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs.”
Or, as the iconoclast Gore Vidal wrote:
“Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic. But Henry Adams figured all that out back in the 1890s. ‘We have a single system,’ he wrote, and ‘in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold.”
The government doesn’t control America.
Neither does religion.
Please stop saying “Christianity” controls America
It’s embarrassing.
And so 1991.
People still have this zany notion that Christians run America.
This is just lazy thinking.
These people are conflating Christendom and Christianity.
Cultural Christendom has nothing to do with the true Christian faith — the belief that Jesus of Nazareth is the embodiment of God himself, sent for the sole purpose of self-sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. When was the last time you saw a froth-at-the-mouth right-winger do anything loving, graceful, or self-sacrificing? Real Christians fight for the rights of others, but they do not fight for their own rights.
Every real Christian knows, as Tolstoy pointed out, that the state is based on violence, and therefore no true Christ-follower could ever wield its might over the masses.
Plus, Jesus himself made it extremely clear in John 18:36 that he was not trying to set up a coercive earthly political party, but was focused solely on changing hearts and minds through the power of love.
Sure, people take his name in vain all the time, but only bad faith critics could possibly believe fundamentalists are anything short of a spiritual false flag.
If the government doesn’t control America, and religion doesn’t control America, then who does?
The answer, of course, is: Whoever controls America’s corporations.
It’s corporations and billionaires who invest billions to buy elections so they can wield the state for private gain.
We simply need to follow the money.
If we can see who the biggest shareholders are, we can determine (roughly) who has the most power in American society.
So who owns America?
Let’s not beat around the bush any longer.
We live in the age of Asset Management Capitalism.
Private firms take investor money, pump it up with huge amounts of bank leverage, then weaponize it to monopolize companies and extract wealth from active working contributors.
And they are very good at it.
The biggest asset manager, Blackrock, now controls $10 trillion dollars.
(That’s enough to buy a house for the poorest 40 million American families.)
When you add in the next two biggest players, Vanguard Group and State Street, the big three control $22.3+ trillion — equivalent to America’s entire GDP. They literally own 90% of the 500 biggest corporations in the USA.
Who are three of the top four biggest shareholders in Apple, the biggest company in the world by market cap?
How about Amazon?
How about Google?
Bank of America? JP Morgan Chase? Citigroup? Wells Fargo? Goldman Sachs? Morgan Stanley?
All are owned by the same three firms.
Honestly. Go ahead. Pick any company at random. Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street are always at the top of the list.
They own Big Pharma.They own Big Oil.They own the media.They own every public company you’ve ever encountered in your entire life.
(That’s correct: Coke and Pepsi aren’t actually competitors — it’s just another false dichotomy so the unthinking public thinks they have free choice.)
Blackrock alone owns a stake in more than 5,774 companies and has at least three executives working in the current President’s cabinet while using a network of thousands of supercomputers (called Aladdin) to strategically gobble up the nation (including residential family homes.) It is quite literally a labor-enslavement system.
The answer is clear:
Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street control America.
So the question is: Who owns Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street?
This is where things get really tricky.
Blackrock’s top shareholders are… wait for it… Vanguard, State Street, and Blackrock.
State Street’s top shareholders are… wait for it… Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street.
What the hell is going on here?
(Don’t worry, it gets weirder.)
Vanguard’s top shareholders are… wait for it…
We don’t know.
Because Vanguard is a private company that’s owned by its own funds.
Those funds own a chunk of 4,635 companies.
But who owns those funds?
We don’t know.
Because Vanguard won’t give us names.
Who owns Vanguard?
Surely it must be the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Windsors, or the Sauds, right?
Vanguard is boring.
It is the biggest issuer of mutual funds worldwide.
And the second-biggest issuer of exchange-traded funds (ETFs.)
It hosts IRAs and 401(k) plans.
Vanguard’s founder literally invented the index fund.
According to their own website:
Vanguard is made up of more than 30 million investors, all with unique stories and individual goals.
In other words:
Vanguard isn’t part of some shady conspiracy theory to rule the nation.
America is owned by you.
I’m sorry if this truth disappoints you.
Billionaires and their corporations are absolutely taking over the planet, but those same corporations are partially owned by the three monopoly investment firms that are owned by the masses.
What I’m saying is that we the people still have a (slim) chance in this fight.
So what can we do?
Divest and re-allocate.
That’s it.
That’s the tweet.
Divest and re-allocate.
If you hate the direction the world is heading, you have to spend and invest differently and get everyone you know to do the same.
Fire your broker. Fire your financial planner.Fire your wealth advisor.Cash in your pension plansBurn your mutual funds.Sell every ounce of anti-human garbage in your portfolio.Stop accepting interest.Sell your Airbnb.Stop land-lording.Stop extracting profit from the contributor class.
Then re-allocate 100% of your capital to your family, friends, and local community.
(Even be willing to take a huge personal loss if that’s what it takes to do right by your global family in the long run.)
If you want a world without monopolies, without wage slavery, without theft of the working class, and a world where future generations have a shot at freedom and democracy, you have to divest and re-allocate today.
It’s the only way.