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- Here's How The Great Reset Actually Works
Here's How The Great Reset Actually Works
A simple math equation is working us all to death
Believe it or not, we’re only at the beginning stages of the biggest fraud in human history.
This colossal con is called “The Great Reset,” and it is nothing more than a reset to feudalism (but with surveillance devices called iPhones.)
In January 2021, the hyper-elitist World Economic Forum — hosted by Prince Charles and sponsored by glowing anti-democratic monopolists including Blackrock and JPMorgan — held its 50th annual meeting from the Alpine slopes of Davos, Switzerland.
The theme was The Great Reset, a proposal to rebuild the economy “sustainably” in the wake of COVID-19.
Even billionaire-obsessed Forbes Magazine had to admit their agenda was “another example of wealthy, powerful elites salving their consciences with faux efforts to help the masses, and in the process make themselves even wealthier and more powerful.”
In the WEF video 8 Predictions For The World In 2030, the very first prediction is:
“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
The first is all but certain, and the second is highly unlikely.
The big question is:
How will the elites pull it off?
As we will see today, it all boils down to a simple math equation — and they’re already using it to swallow up your future.
Welcome to your brave new world
Before we look at the math equation that will bring this new world into reality, let’s take a quick look at what the future likely holds:
The Great Reset is a return to feudal serfdom for the masses.
We already know that billionaires will control the global economy within our lifetime.
They will completely dismantle government services, shunting off healthcare, policing, and even the military to the private sector.
Worker wages will never keep up with engineered inflation, ensuring a guaranteed net pay cut every year for the rest of your life.
Social safety nets will disappear.
Employee rights will vanish as predators like Uber invest hundreds of millions of dollars to overturn worker rights and collective bargaining.
Most people will work multiple gig jobs as “independent contractors.”
Shelter will become impossible to purchase thanks to mass land-lording and predator corporations like Airbnb. The vast majority will pay huge monthly rents to institutional investors, and they will have to move constantly because they won’t have renter rights.
Thanks to the insidious nature of financialization, all other goods including cars, electronics, furniture, and eventually clothing will be too expensive to purchase and will be rented.
Thanks to automation swiping tens of millions of jobs, everyone will be pitted against one another like never before, competing just to survive.
Homelessness will soar from 500,000+ people today, to many more multiples.
And we haven’t even talked about climate change.
For those who don’t commit suicide in 3D-printed AI-assisted kill pods, popping pills will become the norm, as will escaping into a fully digital metaverse.
The Great Reset formula
Everyone needs to understand this equation, because this is what’s breaking the Western world.
Remember this formula, my friends, as it’s the economic framework that will enslave humanity for the rest of our lives:
Banksters + leveraged institutional investors + rent-seeking = serfdom.
Let’s break it down.
1. Banksters
How banks are supposed to work: Banks are supposed to hold and protect financial assets for a fee. That’s it. No conflict of interest investments, no sky-high derivatives gambling, no society-destroying usury, no bubble-inflating credit creation, no control of government and the Federal Reserve.
How banks work now: They charge customers to hold their money, then leverage said money to make toxic bets on casino-like derivatives, outbidding their own banking clients for houses to then rent back to them for more than their would-be mortgage payment, and loaning at interest in order to create a never-ending debt cycle.
But most of all, they create credit out of thin air and loan it to the biggest predator corporations on earth: institutional investors.
2. Leveraged institutional investors
How companies are supposed to work: A group of people pools their capital and skills to create and sell a product or service. Everyone receives the full value of the wealth they create. They treat each other well. They do not lobby governments for special advantages.
How companies work now: Backed by massive amounts of bankster capital, disruptor multinational corporations form predatory monopolies that shatter their competition, turn their employees into temp workers, and manipulate democracy to extract special advantages, before jacking their prices, cutting quantity, quality, or both. With cheap bankster credit, they hoover up other companies, to the point that predators like Coca-Cola now own more than 400 of their competitors. Because borrowing money is so cheap, and monopolies are so profitable, institutional investors simply do not stop until they are stopped. In the case of Blackrock, the company now controls $10+ trillion, with no end in sight.
3. Rent-seeking
How business is supposed to work: Companies comprised of real humans sell high-quality, buy-it-for-life goods that are purchasable at competitive prices.
How business works now: Predator monopolies don’t actually sell products or services, but simply rent them on a single-use or limited-use basis. Instead of paying a few hundred dollars for Abode software, the company throws it in the cloud and charges $25,000 over a graphic designer’s career.
Instead of being about to buy a movie once in order to watch it an unlimited number of times in the decades ahead, you have to pay Netflix a monthly fee forever. Instead of being able to simply remote-start your car, you have to pay Toyota $8/month for the feature.
The real danger happens once any human necessity is commodified as an investment — it’s eventually sold to the highest bidder, which is always an extractive, tax-evading, anti-human, rent-seeking, multinational investment corporation.
A mattress might sell for $600 today, but when it can make an investor $99/month on a 36-month lease, that mattress is suddenly “worth” $3,600 to a bankster-backed institutional rent-seeker.
Now imagine what it’s going to do to house prices.
Rent-seeking has proven exceptionally profitable, considerably easier than building a contributing company, and wildly attractive to speculator-investors. As the stock price of rent-seeking companies ticks higher and higher, they gain the ability to acquire even more rent-seeking companies to expand their cancerous empires.
4. Serfdom
The goal of hardcore libertarian corporatists is actually the exact same as the socialists and communists they claim to hate.
The elite goal is a planned global economy, controlled by just a handful of individuals and their myriad sycophants.
Just like their feudal ancestors, their goal for your life is to extract as many productive hours from you as possible, and when you become economically unviable to their business model, that you live and die as quickly and quietly as possible.
I hope you’re furious
You should be righteously livid about the new global economic model in which you find yourself.
It exists solely to enslave the masses and enrich the richest people in human history.
It is criminal.
It is immoral.
It is sinful.
And it must stop.
Calls to action
The reality is that we may have already reached a tipping point in America and most other countries in the world.
But if there is still the remotest of chances to overthrow the corporatocracy, it will require a five-pronged attack.
1. To defeat banksters:
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” — John Dalberg-Acton
a.) Divest of their stock. If you own any bank stock in your 401(k), RRSP, mutual fund, or index ETF, sell it today. You cannot call yourself a good and moral person while profiting from bank fraud.
b.) Stop enriching them with your custom. I bank with a not-for-profit co-operative. My wife banks with a small challenger bank where her debit card is made out of vegetable plastic. Do whatever you can to stop enriching banksters.
2. To defeat leveraged institutional investors:
a.) Divest of their stock. If you own the stock of any multinational corporation in your 401(k), RRSP, mutual fund, or index ETF, sell it today. You cannot call yourself a good and moral person while profiting from predatory monopolies.
b.) Stop enriching monopolies with your custom. Stop enriching Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook. Either buy used, buy local, buy direct from creators, or stop buying.
c.) Start co-operative companies that can compete on a local level against the behemoths that are purchasing our planet.
3. To defeat rent-seeking:
a.) If you are a land-lorder, do the right thing and sell your extra properties to owner-occupiers. Stop being an Airbnb host.
b.) Stop enriching rent-seekers with your custom. Stop using Airbnb. Stop using Uber. Boycott Coca-Cola.
c.) Create and sell buy-it-for-life products.
d.) If you have land, partner with passionate young people to build owner-occupier-only houses like crazy.
4. To defeat Great Reset serfdom economics:
a.) Start voting for a third party. The corporate-captured Dems and Repubs will never let economic fairness happen, and it’s delusional to think otherwise.
b.) Oust your local city councils and replace your zoning boards so your community can ban multinational rent-seekers, crack down on Airbnb, issue thousands of permits to build owner-occupier-only homes, and support local co-operative businesses and people-first micro-economies.
5. To defeat the mindset that causes people to build such systems:
Well, this one’s a bit more tricky.
This will require a change of heart among the elites and the rest of us.
No more privatization.No more monopolization.No more commodification. No more seeing the world in dollar terms. No more selfishness.
You can’t force this kind of thinking.
You have to wait for a revival.
And then you have to welcome it into your heart.
In conclusion
The greatest threat to global freedom, democracy, and economic flourishing is bankster-backed institutional rent-seeking corporations.
Destroying this business model is the great battle of our age.
We need to get the word out and help everyone understand the new economic formula for feudalism 2.0.
We need to fight the Great Reset to serfdom as hard as the Ukrainians are currently fighting the Russians.
If we don’t, we will end up as serfs, slaving away for the most sociopathic humans to ever live.
Just like we already are.