Most People Don’t Choose Debt. Debt Chooses Them.

Creditors are predators and they’re coming for your life

Most People Don’t Choose Debt. Debt Chooses Them. — Creditors are predators and they’re coming for your money

There are a huge number of propagandist talking points floating around society, and one of them is the idea that people get into debt because they are lazy, undisciplined, or morally suspect.

Are there people out there who take on huge amounts of debt in order to fund their lavish lifestyles? Absolutely. They’re called billionaires. Instead of taking a paycheck or receiving dividends or selling stock — all of which would trigger a contribution to the commons called taxation—they simply borrow cheap money to buy assets. While the poors suffer from inflation, debt-laden billionaires enjoy ballooning asset prices and debt devaluation. (Funny how rich-people debt is marketed as “good” but poor-people debt is sold as morally wrong.)

All you have to do is think — actually think, for about two seconds — and it becomes clear that this “people are in debt because they deserve it” narrative is just that: a made-up story that doesn’t align with the facts of reality.

Do you know what almost no one in the nation is writing on their bankruptcy filings?

“I bought too many TVs.”

“I needed a bed.”

“I ordered avocado toast that one time.”


Consumer spending on non-essentials is obviously a real thing, but it’s not by any measure the leading cause of indebtedness and bankruptcy.

The leading cause of indebtedness and bankruptcy is… wait for it…


Or more specifically, interest-charging creditors.

Or even more specifically, our entire parasitic debt-based anti-economy.

Mathematically speaking, most people don’t choose debt. Debt chooses them.

Let’s look at some real-life examples:

Debt chooses the uneducated

Young people have been terrorized into believing that without a few pieces of fancy paper, they will live and die in poverty.

And just to make sure this threat is credible, an ever-increasing number of industries require licensing and credentialing. Like honestly, does society really need its barbers and taxi drivers to have a special dispensation to cut hair and sit in traffic? Why can’t a pig farmer butcher her own pigs? Do garbagemen really require a two-year “waste management” certificate?

Absolutely… if your goal is to indebt the next generation. The reality is that higher education is an immoral information-monopolization business that withholds knowledge in order to enslave minors with decades of unbankruptable debt so they’ll work for low wages.

Without taking on debt, children remain unable to qualify for most jobs.

Debt chooses the sick

Most of the developed world is absolutely repulsed by the idea of corporations being able to turn a profit off of human pain, sickness, injury, and bodily suffering, but in America, those things are called “profit centers.”

Medical debt is the #1 reason Americans claim bankruptcy.

Not chai lattes. Not Netflix.Not even Teslas.

American families go into debt and get destroyed financially because their spouse got hit by a drunk driver or their child got leukemia.

Without taking on debt, Americans get sick and die.

Debt chooses the homeless

Here’s a simple fact that most people seem to forget: All land was once free, but now that it’s all been monopolized, without a mortgage to a bankster or a rental contract with a land-lorder, you will be homeless.

Interestingly, mortgages and rents are both forms of debt — either you’re paying a bank directly, or if you “can’t afford to own,” you’re stuck paying a bank indirectly by paying your land-lorder’s mortgage.

Without taking on debt or economic exploitation, every human on Earth is made homeless.

Debt chooses the jobless

Real wealth is created by applying human effort to natural resources.

When natural resources were all free, anyone could create wealth.

But now that all natural resources have been monopolized, the only way to access them is to a.) borrow huge amounts of money to acquire those resources from resource-monopolizers, or b.) go to work for a resource-monopolizer under wage suppression (called a “job”) so they can exploit a profit off your wealth-creation.

Most of the time, banksters won’t give entrepreneurs small business loans — they’d rather loan the money to multinational monopolies — so people literally have no choice but to “volunteer” for economic exploitation in the form of a job that profits someone else. This insane system ensures that, at all times, at least half the nation earns less money than it costs to live decently in the city where they work. So, to make ends meet, people have to take on debt.

Without taking on debt or economic exploitation or both, every human on Earth is made jobless.

Debt chooses powerless subjects

As we’ve discussed before, America is not a democracy.

No country has ever been a democracy.

Mark Twain was absolutely right: “If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.”

The reality is that America is a textbook-definition corporate oligarchy. Americans are not citizens, they are subjects.

Because corporations control Congress and literally own the Federal Reserve, they get to decide how money works — and they’ve decided that all money should come into existence as interest-bearing debt (owed to them, naturally) and that the Fed should borrow into existence so many trillions of dollars that it perpetually inflates prices and devalues the people’s purchasing power, ensuring the actual real value accrues solely to the 1%.

That’s why the federal debt — your debt that you are paying back with interest to the tune of $575 billion per year — stands at $31 trillion and cannot stop climbing until it completely destroys the real economy.

American subjects take on more debt every day and have literally no choice in the matter.

Debt chooses us

Do you notice a theme across all of the people that debt targets?

Our uneducated children.Our sick and injured.Our homeless.Our jobless.Our powerless fellow subjects.

Debt preys on the weak.

Creditors are predators.

And they’re debt-trapping humanity at every turn. 99% of all 8,000,000,000 human beings on planet Earth waste their entire lives slaving to enrich the shareholders of banks.

And it’s only getting worse, because the interest on our $300-trillion global debt burden is compounding exponentially, but our ability to create real biological wealth only grows incrementally.

Don’t you see?

In the near future, staying out of debt won’t be a choice.

It will be an absolute survival necessity for 99% of the population.

This is a mathematical inevitability.

Debt wants you.

Creditors want your entire life.