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- UK Conservatives Just (S)elected an Ex-Goldman Sachs Billionaire Tax Evader to Be Their Next Prime Minister
UK Conservatives Just (S)elected an Ex-Goldman Sachs Billionaire Tax Evader to Be Their Next Prime Minister
The richest PM in British history will destroy the NHS and impoverish millions
Take a good look at that headline in the corporatist's go-to newspaper.
He’s been “announced.”
Not elected.
Like how they do it in Ch!na and Russia and many African nations.
All the other papers were similar:
The Sun:
Rishi Sunak is named UK’s next Prime Minister and says Tory party must ‘unite or die.’
Rishi Sunak cheered outside Tory headquarters after being named new PM.
The Guardian:
Rishi Sunak to be prime minister after Penny Mordaunt drops out.
Where are we in late-stage capitalism, again?
We’re at the point where Great Britain is announcing its fifth Con PM since 2016, the last four of which came into office unelected.
The Cons aren’t even trying to pretend their care about the charade democracy anymore. After 40-ish days under former-and-future Shell exec Liz Truss, they’ve handed the top job to Rishi Sunak, a billionaire tax evader and — get this — the richest Prime Minister in British history.
The big question on everyone’s mind: What does this mean for the UK?
And what lessons are there for other fascist-tilting nations like America?
First off, real quick, who the heck is Rishi Sunak?
At 42, he’s the youngest PM since 1812.
He’s the first non-white PM.
He worked as a predator bankster before becoming a politician.
He’s sexy as hell, but deviously wicked — at a garden party last summer he told a gaggle of rich people he would take money from poor urban areas and divert it to rich suburban areas, and when a video of the speech leaked, he straight-up lied to the public and said he didn’t say what he was caught on camera saying.
He’s Boris Johnson’s old finance minister. Read: he’s terrible for the British people.
But talk about the fox running the henhouse: The man in charge of the nation’s finances is an industrial-scale tax-evader. Along with his wife, they used a purposefully-created loophole called “non-domicile” status to live in the UK but say for tax reasons that they totally don’t live in the UK.
And most importantly: He is the 100% completely UNELECTED PM of the UK. Not only did the nation not get to vote, but even the Conservative Party didn’t get to vote… and now thousands of furious Conservatives party members are threatening to leave the party.
Literally no one voted for this man.
What will PM Riski Sunak do to the British people?
Well, he should stabilize the markets for the next few weeks at least.
Well, the innumerate Liz Truss cost the British people a trillion dollars worth of damage in her seven weeks in office — but don’t worry, she still gets a £151,000/year pension for life.
And it’s exactly what Sunak said would happen if she was selected by the party. So for better or worse, he’s seen as being slightly more fiscally sane, even if he’s downright awful for actual working Britons.
From there, things will get terrible:
Attacks on human rights
The far-right wing of the party is more ungovernable than the MAGA Republicans, and to hold the party together, Sunak will have to trample human rights by passing all the crap they love — deporting refugees to Rwanda, cracking down on the right to protest, and hammering free speech.
Attacks on public services
Sunak will almost certainly keep up with crushing austerity. People will still pay high taxes for all those services, but the services themselves — healthcare, schooling, pensions, benefits, public servants, etc — will all get cut in favor of tax cuts for Sunak’s rich parasite class. (In December he even flew to California to meet with US corporatized healthcare managers.)
And remember: the last time British Cons forced austerity on the nation, it caused an estimated 300,000+ excess deaths.
Attacks on homeowners
Sunak will likely not mess with the Bank of England, which is committed to crushing corporate-caused inflation by jacking interest rates so high that it’s sure to destroy millions of families and set off another housing market crash (AKA “buying opportunity” for banks and investors, since they get bailed out and recover first.)
Two years from now — when the nation can finally go through the mockery of voting in a false dichotomy contest between the right-wing corporatist Labour party and the far-right-wing corporatist Conservative party — millions of Britons will be utterly impoverished, tens of thousands will (literally) lay dead due to health budget cuts like the ambulance services, national debt will have risen, and the corporatist stranglehold on the real economy will have tightened even further.
But — and it’s a big but — inflation will likely be lower, thanks to a natural leveling out of the global energy supply chain, a housing market crash, and a stock bubble deflation. Not one of these things will have been Sunak’s doing, but he’ll travel up and down the country insisting that he “saved the nation” from the death-grips of inflation and that if the people elect a Labour government, that horrible (Conservative-caused) 17.3% inflation will magically return.
And voters will believe him.
Because Britons love being used and abused by their aristocrats.
Think about it. What is America, exactly? It’s a bunch of ex-Brits who got so sick of right-wing aristocrats that they sailed across the ocean and killed every monarchist who tried to tax them again.
Those who stayed in the UK remained serfs to this very day, trapped under a feudal rentier system where banksters and land-lorders and monopolists milk the dog-tired working serfs for every farthing they earn.
Domestic Brits love the pain and suffering.
Keep calm and carry on.
Don’t ruffle any feathers.
Don’t rock the boat.
Just drink tea and grumble in front of the telly.
Ideally freeze to death this winter.
Vote Labour if you must.
But never do something meaningful like voting for a non-corporatist party.
Never ban for-profit land-lording. Never nationalize the banksters. Never tax the parasite class out of existence.
And don’t you ever ever ever try democracy.
So what happens now?
The unelected tax-evading billionaire Prime Minister will now pay a visit to Buckingham Palace to meet with the head of state, Charles Windsor — another unelected (reparations-owing) tax-evading billionaire.
The United Kingdom has officially lost any and all moral high ground. Until it evicts both men from office, it has no right to point the finger at any foreign nation and claim corruption.
Britain is a glorious country filled with jovial and light-hearted Medieval people, but it is ruled by despotic tyrants dressed up in posh suits and adored with uppity manners and self-assigned aristocratic titles. But they are wolves in sheep’s clothing, serpents dressed as doves.
This is a wicked government, rotten and tumorous to the bones, and it needs a good dose of radiation to eradicate the corporatist cancer that has spread to the very heart of Britannia.
And is there a lesson here for Americans?
Get some democracy while you still can. Stop voting for right-wing parties like the Democrats and Republicans. Seize the dream of a government of the people by the people for the people.
Otherwise, you might as well move back to Britain where you belong.
If you’d like others to know about the UK situation, please share this article on social media. I’m @jaredbrock on Twitter.