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  • The Young and Broke Can No Longer Afford To Support the Old and Rich

The Young and Broke Can No Longer Afford To Support the Old and Rich

Our system has been hijacked but is relatively simple to fix

Our system has been hijacked but is relatively simple to fix

If you are under the age of forty, you are being systematically compelled to bankroll people over the age of sixty in more ways than you can imagine:

  • You’re expected to work for low wages at their companies.

  • You’re expected to hand over a huge portion of those wages to rent their income properties.

  • You’re expected to turn a profit for the companies in their stock portfolio.

  • You’re expected to buy their overpriced houses when they decide to sell.

  • You’re expected to finance that massive purchase by paying them interest for much of your adult life.

  • You’re expected to shoulder the national debt they’re so happily expanding by billions each day.

  • You’re expected to fork over a huge portion of your income as taxation to support their favored programs (including war and subsidizing their largest corporations.)

  • You’re expected to use a currency that they’re constantly devaluing.

  • You’re expected to pay into pension plans (read: pyramid schemes that won’t exist when you’re old enough to collect) to fund their retirements.

If you take an honest look at the stats, it’s pretty clear that the older generations are planning to milk our planet dry before they kick the bucket.

Our system is fundamentally broken.

It’s built on the myth that the individual is the most important thing.

That if you work hard enough, you too can enjoy a free ride.

But “putting your money to work for you” isn’t real.

You just put younger people to work for you.

And we’re sick of it.

So what can we do about it?

It’s not like the old-and-rich politicians and their old-and-rich sponsors will help us in any meaningful way.

We need to:

  • Capture the full value of our labor by working for ourselves or in co-operation with others.

  • Extricate ourselves from the rental market by all moral means.

  • Stop working for, and buying from, any company that flays a profit off the backs of workers. (i.e. buy from individuals, co-ops, not-for-profits, etc.)

  • Quit acquiring their bloated properties and start building environmentally sustainable right-sized shelters.

  • Fund our life’s biggest purchase in a way that doesn’t enrich wildly-corrupt multinational banks. (ie. use not-for-profits, co-ops, and credit unions.)

  • Lobby and resist the expansion of public debt, and institute a global minimum corporate tax rate. (The corporate share of federal tax revenue dropped from 32% in 1952 to 7% in 2020. It wasn’t an accident.)

  • Resist war and subsidies, and refuse to do business with companies that profit from government grift.

  • Re-allocate out of government-manipulated violence-backed currencies.

  • Avoid supporting pension pyramid schemes and instead focus on old-school savings and real asset investment.

This will require us to go against the hyper-individualist consumerist instinct the older generations trained into our heads.

It will require us to work together, for each other and the common good.

And then, when we’re old, to not repeat the corruptions of the past.

Let’s be the generation who leaves this place in slightly better shape than it was begrudgingly handed to us.

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